There are millions of people making a full-time income creating video content. YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok have created opportunities for a lot of people that just didn’t exist 10 years ago.

According to Forbes, 2 Million Creators Make 6-Figure Incomes On YouTube, Instagram, and Twitch Globally

Want to know exactly how I got 100,000,000 views on YouTube? Learn my 3 step strategy that can quickly grow any YouTube channel and turn it into a profitable business.
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I’ve been making video content for 15 years through my video production company, but I started uploading to YouTube and other online platforms consistently about five years.

After making over 1500 videos just on YouTube, I want to share a five-step process if you want to become a content creator or use video content to market your business.

1 – Find an ideal target audience
The biggest reason most content creators don’t make a full-time living is that they don’t know who they are making a video for.
They simply make content hoping the platforms will help them out and find their audience.
But you can speed this entire process up if you have an ideal person in mind when creating content.
You also need to have an interest in the topic you are covering or it will be hard to keep going during the first year.

2 – Create content the platforms want
Once you know who your ideal audience is, you have to decide what platform you want to use to reach them. Then, make content in the right format for the right platform. For example, YouTube prefers longer format content. If you take a small part of a YouTube video and post it to short format platforms like Instagram and TikTok, it won’t do well. For those platforms, you have to make content that is easy to consume and much more fast-paced.

You’ll need to spend time on each platform to understand what they like and tailor your content accordingly.

3 – Start with search content
YouTube should be at the center for all content creators. And creating content that people search for is a really easy way to get discovered when you are new.

4 – Have a content schedule
Becoming a content creator requires consistency. Most people create 10 videos and give up. But you need a monthly and yearly plan and you need to stick to that plan. It took me nearly a year to get 1000 subscribers on YouTube and now I can get nearly 1000 subscribers every day.

5 – Understand monetization
There are several ways to monetize your content. YouTube for example has a partner program, where they pay you 55% of the revenue they make from running ads on your videos.
TikTok and Instagram have a fund and they pay you for views.

But you have to go beyond that. You can learn about affiliate marketing, sponsorships, selling your own products and services, and several more monetization options.

Video Editing Resources:
If you have a Mac computer, I have this course for it. 🎬 iMovie Video Editing Course

If you have windows, I have several free YouTube videos on free editing apps.
Davinci Resolve

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