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In this video I answer a question from one my readers who asked:
Hi Evans am thinking of starting a tour company that would also source accommodation for its clients and would take clients to any destination in kenya for a reasonable fee.I have carried out a research to find out how we need to introduce ourselves in the market and also researched on things like competition and how to stand out from the rest also marketing whereby we need to network with agencies abroad and also from the east so that they can be sending us clients for a commission.I have contacted a few of them through the internet and they are positive.
Our target group is local and international tourists,honeymooners,corporates having trips and team building activities.
Our international airport here in nairobi also gets tourists who have no idea which tour company is taking care of them so the taxi drivers at the airport are also our target whereby when they bring clients we shall give them a commission based on the package the clients are taking.
So it is a noble idea but the financial part to implement it is a problem.Am passionate about it because i have worked in the hospitality industry all my life so at least i got experience and the know how.
I hope you will also like the idea.
Kind regards,
Christine Githaiga.
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