After two years of giving it my all I had to shut the doors to my agency.

I’d tried everything:

✔️ Sitting in BNI Meetings
✔️ Attending Chamber of Commerce Events
✔️ Cold Calling till I was blue in the face 🥶
✔️ Doing drop-ins
✔️ Posting updates to my Blog & Social Profiles on a daily basis
✔️ I Even tried direct mail

But nothing worked…

I couldn’t pay myself let alone earn a decent living…

And to make things worse I had borrowed $10K from my dad (a missionary) who believed in me to try to get this business off the ground. It was one of the hardest things ever to tell him “I failed and was going to have to shut the business down”.

So I went out and got a job. I had no other choice.

A few years later, when I told my wife I was ready to give it another try she was VERY resistant. Our confidence has been shattered and neither of us knew if I could make this business work.

Fortunately, we stepped out in faith and took the risk.

✔️ Two years later our agency had grown to over $1M per year
✔️ 5 years later we are one of the fastest growing companies in the country. Our agency made the Inc 5000 list the last 3 years in a row!

So what was the difference in my two agencies? Why was one a success and the other a total failure?

👇 Join me in the Local Agency Success Group and I’ll explain everything…
